Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Korea)

  • Mon, 3 April 2023

Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission (Korea)

        With the consolidation of these three organizations, citizens can be provided with one-stop service of addressing public complaints, filing administrative appeals and fighting corruption by a single organization in a speedier and more convenient manner.

        We will continue to overhaul a legal and institutional framework to offer more convenient and efficient public service to the people, resolve people’s grievances and as swiftly as possible, and spread a culture of integrity throughout the society to create a more advanced country where civil rights are fully respected and rule of law is abided by.


The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission (ACRC) performs the following 4 functions :

  • Address civil complaints which cause inconvenience or burden to citizens
  • Build a clean society by preventing and deterring corruption in the public sector
  • Protect people’s rights from illegal and unfair administrative practices through the administrative appeals system
  • Make recommendations of improvement on unreasonable laws or system which may lead to civil complaints or corruption-prone environment


“Korea of Integrity and Fairness

A government guaranteeing people’s rights”


1. Construct the foundation to leap forward as an advanced country with integrity.

2. Realize the inclusive administration by resolving people’s complaints

3. Lead the communication with the people based on data and platform by resolving people’s complaints

Major Tasks

  • Completion of anti-corruption and fair reform
  • Prompt and active protection of people’s rights and interests
  • Policy and institutional improvement based on people’s opinions

Unit Tasks

  • Innovation in anti-corruption and integrity policies for an advanced country with integrity
  • Establishment and spread of a culture and anti-corruption and integrity across the society 
  • Prompt and impartial response to corruption issues
  • Enhancement of the reward & award system for reporters to meet the expectations of the people 
  • Focus on effective protection of people’s rights and interests by actively addressing people’s complaints
  • Establishment of efficient and specialized complaint-handling system
  • Reinforcement in protection of people’s rights and interests by operating prompt and fair administrative appeals
  • Operation of a government-wide platform for people’s participation and communication
  • Active improvement on policies and institutions based on people’s opinions
  • Operation of a non-stop service close to the people for consultation and resolution of complaints

Source ==> Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission(ACRC)

Website Link  ==>  ACRC

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