• Thu, 30 March 2023


        INTERPOL’s mission is to enable police around the world to work together to prevent and fight crime. We offer police a high-tech international infrastructure of technical and operational support to meet the growing challenges of fighting emerging types of crime. Only through international cooperation can police hope to tackle today’s criminals. We work to ensure that police around the world can instantly share and access the relevant data necessary to assist their investigations through secure communications channels. We facilitate police cooperation even where diplomatic relations do not exist between particular countries, in line with INTERPOL’s objective of political neutrality. The targeted training, expert investigative support and global networks offered by INTERPOL help police on the ground to coordinate their efforts to make the world a safer place.

Fighting International Crimes

Cybercriminals steal personal data and money from unsuspecting consumers at the other side of the world. Terrorists plot their next attack while drugs cross our oceans along complex distribution routes. Traffickers trick people into modern-day slavery and paedophiles sexually abuse children then post photos on the Internet. Passports and cars stolen in one country are used or sold in another while money is laundered by organized crime groups. Fake and illicit medicines and goods threaten lives and economies. Today’s criminals pass borders both physically and virtually. To stay one step ahead, police must coordinate their efforts internationally



Imagine you are the victim of a crime committed by someone from another country. How can police catch the person?

INTERPOL’s full name is the International Criminal Police Organization and we are an inter-governmental organization. We have 195 member countries, and we help police in all of them to work together to make the world a safer place.

To do this, we enable them to share and access data on crimes and criminals, and we offer a range of technical and operational support.

ho makes up INTERPOL?

The General Secretariat coordinates our day-to-day activities to fight a range of crimes. Run by the Secretary General, it is staffed by both police and civilians and comprises a headquarters in Lyon, a global complex for innovation in Singapore and several satellite offices in different regions.

In each country, an INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) provides the central point of contact for the General Secretariat and other NCBs. An NCB is run by national police officials and usually sits in the government ministry responsible for policing.

The General Assembly is our governing body and it brings all countries together once a year to take decisions.


Connecting police

INTERPOL connect all our countries via a communications system called I-24/7. Countries use this secure network to contact each other, and the General Secretariat. It also allows them to access our databases and services in real-time, from both central and remote locations.

INTERPOL also coordinate networks of police and experts in different crime areas, who come together through working groups and at conferences to share experiences and ideas.

The General Secretariat provides a range of expertise and services to our member countries. We manage 19 police databases with information on crimes and criminals (from names and fingerprints to stolen passports), accessible in real-time to countries.

INTERPOL offer investigative support such as forensics, analysis, and assistance in locating fugitives around the world. Training is an important part of what we do in many areas so that officials know how to work efficiently with our services.

This expertise supports national efforts in combating crimes across three global areas we consider the most pressing today; terrorism, cybercrime and organized crime.

Officials working in each specialized crime area run a variety of different activities alongside member countries. This can be investigative support, field operations, training and networking.

Importantly, since crimes evolve, we keep an eye on the future through research and development in international crime and trends.

A global platform

Today’s crimes are increasingly international. It is crucial that there is coordination among all the different players in maintaining a global security architecture.

Since INTERPOL is a global organization, it can provide this platform for cooperation; we enable police to work directly with their counterparts, even between countries which do not have diplomatic relations.

INTERPOL also provide a voice for police on the world stage, engaging with governments at the highest level to encourage this cooperation and use of our services.

All our actions are politically neutral and taken within the limits of existing laws in different countries.

Website Link  ==> INTERPOL

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